Jon Gary Williams
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G. C. Brewer vs T. W. Fields (Adventist)
July 20, 1922
Parker, Texas

(By C. A. Buchanan)

Bro. G. C. Brewer met the Adventists in a four-day discussion at Parker, Texas near Clebern, Texas in June.

Elder T. W. Field began the debate but got sick after two days and substituted Elder McCutcheon to finish up the discussion with Brewer. Both Field and McCutcheon are debaters of experience, having met our strongest men. Elder Field affirmed the Sabbath question the first two nights. Bro. Brewer affirmed the Lord's day the last two days. Bro. Brewer showed himself master of the situation at all times. He has met more than a dozen Adventists in debate, several of whom were Presidents of Adventists Conferences. He knows all their arguments and tricks.

The Adventists are aggressive and are great propagandists. The have seen the value of the printed page in sowing the world over with their doctrines. By "scrambling" the scriptures they deceive many people.

We seldom get a debate with the Adventists now, for they have learned that debating their doctrine is not a healthful exercise for them. They will take many positions in preaching which they will not take in debate with an able opponent. We should never let an opportunity slip of showing up their error before honest and thinking people.

Their Southwestern Jr. College is located at Keene, five miles from Clebern, Texas. Bro. Brewer has challenged McCutcheon for a full discussion of all the issues between us before the student body at Keene.

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