Jon Gary Williams
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G. C. Brewer vs W. O. Davis
February 19, 1948

G. C. Brewer, minister of Jackson Avenue Church at Memphis vs. W. O. Davis, head of Davis School of Speech at Union Avenue Church. March 29 - April 2. [Davis is not a modernist.]

Bro. Davis has many times defended the truth against modernism and knows how to represent them. He affirmed: (1) Resolved, that the earth and all life upon it came as a result of natural processes, usually designated by the word 'evolution'. (one night); (2) Resolved, that the study of such sciences as geology, biology, embryology, Paleontology shows that the theory of organic evolution is true. (two nights); (3) Resolved, that modern scholarship shows that the Bible is a compilation of the writings of various uninspired authors, some historical, some fictional, some mythical, some consisting of priestly codes and rituals, and that is full of contradiction. (two nights)

Bro. Davis presented the arguments of the modernists, in order that the brotherhood may know the dangerous errors of their teachings. He had a hard task, but he entered into the arguments in such a manner that one not acquainted with him would have thought he actually believed the arguments he made. Bro. Brewer ably refuted the affirmative errors as was intended. His years of experience and storehouse of information were very valuable during the debate.

The speeches were recorded and plans made for a book. It will help refute errors of naturalism, agnosticism, atheism, liberalism, secularism, and materialism. Some estimated the attendance at 1,000 the first night. All were pleased. Some said they learned more real science than they did all through school.

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