Jon Gary Williams
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L. L. Brigance
October 18, 1906
State Line, Kentucky, July 22, 1906

Dear Bro. Shelburne:
It was published in the Hickman Courier of the 20th inst. That you are to begin a tent meeting on the 29th, in sight of Mount Hermon, where I am now holding a meeting. Inasmuch as there is a division in the church at this place, which we both hold to be contrary to the scriptures, I suggest that you and I hold a meeting there at the same time in which we investigate our differences in the light of scriptural teaching.

I will affirm that the church with which I stand identified is scriptural in origin, doctrine, and practice; you deny. Then you affirm the same proposition, and I will deny. However it will suit me better to narrow it down to the real issue and let you affirm your practice concerning instrumental music and missionary societies.

Now do not throw up your hands in holy horror and say, 'The days of debate are over.' They are only over to the man who has assumed a position that he knows he cannot defend. I hope you have gained more courage than you had at Henderson, Tennessee more than a year ago when you were backed out on this proposition and that you will see fit to accept it.
Yours sincerely, L. L. Brigance

"The above letter was sent to Bro. Shelburne two weeks ago, to which he has made no answer; but, on the contrary has said that he does not intend to reply." (James 5:19-20)

Reader, form your own conclusions.

[NOTE: Add to previous Letter] October 18, 1906

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