Jon Gary Williams
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W. L. Butler (Shelbyville, Tennessee) vs J. B. Hardy (Primitive Baptist) (Eldorado, Illinois)
July 30, 1903
Tilden, Webster County, Kentucky

Debate at Tilden, Webster County, Kentucky, July 15-19.

Propositions: Hardy affirmed: "The scriptures teach that God chose a people in Christ Jesus before the world began and predestined them unto glory without any condition to be performed by them" - Other subjects: Baptism for Remission of Sins; Operation of Holy Spirit; Apostasy.

Very large crowds. The last day had three times too many to be seated. The very best feeling and order was had. The debaters conducted themselves in a way worthy of praise. Each received blue ribbons and had congratulations and "God bless you's" from both Baptists and Christians. Bro. Butler was not caught in a single contradiction or inconsistency; but as much cannot be said for Mr. Hardy. As moderator for Butler I watched the arguments closely, taking notes. I can truthfully and without prejudice or partiality state the above. Bro. Butler made his speeches calmly and steadily, without any worry or uneasiness, while Mr. Hardy virtually wore himself out before the debate closed.

In arguing the design of "baptism", Mr. Hardy conceded that baptism to a penitent believer is in order to receive remission of sins, but denied that "baptism is in order to remission of sins," claiming, and trying to show, a difference of meaning in the expressions; but he failed, as there is none. Bro. Butler made use of this admission as it is in the New Testament and our position.

In discussing the 'immediate operation of the Holy Spirit' there was no issue between them worthy of argument, since Hardy admitted, virtually, that even though the Spirit is conveyed by the word, it (the Spirit) reaches the heart first. This we claim and teach.

On apostasy, Hardy lost his case on Judas. He would not admit that he was either an 'elect of God' or a 'devil' when chosen for the apostleship. Either admission would ruin his doctrine. Butler showed these facts to the people and gained a telling victory for the truth.

Mr. Hardy is nearer the truth than any Primitive Baptist I ever heard. No doubt he will teach more truth that Butler taught him. The debate closed with an old time song, hearty hand shaking, and many wet eyes. Bro. Butler completely won the admiration of the entire people by his honorable conduct and the 'law of love."

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