Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


A. O. Calley vs J. E. Skinner (Missionary Baptist)
December, 1903

(By W. T. Boaz, Hazel, Kentucky)

This debate at Sulphur Well Academy in Henry County, Tennessee, December 1-4.

Propositions: (1) Salvation before baptism; (2) The work of the Spirit; (3) Communion as taught by Baptists; (4) Apostasy.

Bro. Calley had met Elder Skinner at Hazel, Kentucky, about eight months before this time which was his first debate. This last debate was as good as the first. The Christian people were delighted with Bro. Calley's noble defense of the truth. No man is more consecrated in the work. Elder Skinner is a man I like, and I believe he wants to do right; but, his teaching in theology is woefully out of joint.