Jon Gary Williams
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W. A. Cameron vs J. S. Yoeman (Missionary Baptist)
October 3, 1939
Gilchrist County, Florida

(By R. B. Sanders)

A greater victory for the truth has not been witnessed in this country for many years. W. A. Cameron, St. Petersburg, and J. S. Yeoman, Perry, Florida was held under spreading oaks in Gilchrist County, Florida.

September 9-12. Cameron affirmed: "The scriptures teach that an immersion in water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is in order to receive the remission of past sins, and without which there is no salvation promised." Bro. Cameron based arguments on Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3 and Acts. 2:38. Other scriptures were used, but his proposition rested upon these three pillars of truth. It remained untouched at the close of the debate, despite a terrific onslaught by the opposition.

Yeoman affirmed: "The scriptures teach that an immersion in water in the name of th Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a church rite and is not essential to salvation." Yeoman made a miserable failure. He could not produce a single passage of scripture that stood the test of open investigation. He talked, shouted and sweated for an hour at a time - not about his proposition but "the saving blood of Christ," "heartfelt religion," inward cleansing," and infant depravity." He went from Genesis to Revelation. Bro. Cameron expressed it, "just wandering around and around," dodging and twisting and turning" and driven from every position without scoring a point. He was given every concession to present his doctrine. He fixed length and time of speeches, eliminated all books except the Bible and Webster's Dictionary. He repudiated the Dictionary and American Revised Bible later in the debate. However, Mr. Yeoman is recognized as an able man by the Baptists and could put up a strong argument if he had the foundation.

A great debate was held here in the 1880's, the famous Harding-Bailey debate. Great crowds came (1929); 500 in afternoon, 1,000 each night. A friendly Christian spirit prevailed.

Brethren: J. C. Mason (moderator), Cleve Moore, George Roberts, Howell Roberts and Bro. Vaughhn of St. Petersburg. Two or three Baptist preachers came.