Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Charles M. Campbell vs A. F. Varnell (First Apostolic Church)
August 11, 1938
Evansville, Indiana

(By Harvey W. Riggs)

Four evenings, July 19 to 22, under tent at Evansville, Indiana.

A. F. Varnell and Charles M. Campbell. Varnell, Pastor of First Apostolic church affirmed: "The coming of Christ is Premillenial and imminent." He discussed the image of Daniel 2. He affirmed that the Church of Christ is not the kingdom of this prophecy; but God did not establish his kingdom in the days of the old Roman Empire, but that he will bring back the Roman Empire before Christ comes to establish his kingdom upon the earth. This is the same position that some of our brethren take in contending for a material millennium.

Bro. Campbell showed that if this be necessary before Christ comes to earth, his coming is not imminent; that sinners could be sure that he is not coming for the immediate present. Mr. Varnell made every familiar kingdom prophecy point to a material kingdom, yet future, because the Jews defeated the plans of Jehovah himself.

Bro. Campbell pressed this question: "What are the prophecies referred to as being fulfilled in the church?" This question was never answered. Bro. Campbell showed that the church is the spiritual kingdom of Christ - 'the fulness of him that filleth all in all' - leaving the clarification of unfulfilled prophecy to him 'that doeth all things well.'

All rejoiced in the opportunity of carrying the gospel fight into enemy territory. Mr. Varnell has been a disturbing religious agitator about Evansville. The debate was under a tent and people heard the truth and carried away scriptural literature and copies of the Gospel Advocate.

A. M. Logan moderated for Varnell. He also sang and picked his guitar. Riggs moderated for Campbell.

They declined to debate the kingdom question, Godhead or music.