Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


S. I. S. Cawthon Meets Sanctified Preacher
November 22, 1906

(NOTE: Not a regular debate. Bro. Cawthon let preachers lead for one hour and he would answer them. Several preachers did this over several weeks of time.)

In Florida I met a sanctified preacher. He was bitter at first, but cooled off toward the last. He filled his time on the third Lord's Day night and ran out of the house. I called out as he fled. "The wicked flee when no man pursueth but the righteous are as bold as a lion." It was his time on Sunday morning and Sunday night. On Sunday morning after in. I held up sanctified doctrine for all to see. It was completely stripped of scripture. When I got through, all were pleased except the Sanctified Preacher. At night I did the same thing and two sanctified preachers retreated quickly hoping to carry the audience. Only two went and later said they were sorry.

On the fourth Lord's Day this preacher came again. I offered to let him preach an hour if I could answer him, but he refused. He was very nice during the hour. My text was "Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." The sermon was illustrated on the blackboard. I was careful to emphasize the meaning of "born again". He sat and gave excellent attention. After services he came forward, shook hands, and wished me Godspeed and an affectionate goodbye. Afterwards I learned he was a Northern Methodist preacher.