Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


J. W. Chism on Debates
September 2, 1909

I went to Duster, Comanche County, Texas to debate S. A. Paine, Primitive Baptist, but he did not show up. So I reviewed him four days and then debated H. M. Pirtle, a Methodist, and baptized four as a result of it. Yet we are told that debates do no good. But I am sure that debates conducted in the right spirit will do good. This makes 91 debates that I have held and some were fourteen days in length. While it is nothing uncommon for me to have additions after a debate, I once baptized my opponent once, six of my opponents brethren and six others after a four day debate. Once I baptized ten at the close of a debate and restored fifteen who had followed the man I debated with. Several other times I have had additions at the close of the debate.