Jon Gary Williams
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J. W. Chism vs W. M. Aylor (Latter-Day Saints)
July 14, 1910
Kirbyville, Texas

(By W. M. Allen, M.D.)

Ten-day debate at Kirbyville, Texas.

The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Each affirmed his church was in harmony with New Testament in origin, organization, faith, doctrine and practice.

The debate was a complete victory for the truth - a signal failure for Latter-Day Saints. As is well known, Bro. Chism is a champion of the cause that he has been so successfully vindicating for many years, and he is specially prepared with all that is needful to expose the false claims of Mormonism from their own records, and that the claim of Joseph Smith of inspiration of God is of the devil and a fraud palmed off on the world. I have attended many debates, but never have I seen a more signal failure on the part of Mormonism.

As a debater, Mr. Aylor is the weakest man that I ever heard. He does not seem to have any knowledge of the rules of honorable controversy and did not make one legitimate argument in the debate. His force is in misrepresenting his opponent and evading the real issue. His next move is to court the sympathy of the people with the cry of "Persecution."

The debate was well attended by the brotherhood from Brookeland, Remlig, Barkeville, and other places. As far as I have learned, the debate was entirely satisfactory to the brotherhood generally.