Jon Gary Williams
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J. W. Chism vs R. B. Key (Missionary Baptist)
November 15, 1923

(By J. E. Wainwright)

A splendid congregation was established at Cawley, Texas near New Boston in September. A few weeks later the few remaining Baptists (many had obeyed the gospel) challenged us for a debate, which resulted in a debate. Mr. Key was sophistical in subterfuge. He appealed to prejudice with uncouth remarks irrelevant to the proposition.

Bro. Chism routed him on his Hebrew the first day, his Greek was a failure the second day, and his grammar on Acts 2:38 the third day was a signal failure. Mr. Key tried the Russellite-Adventist position on the kingdom and a few other things strange to the Baptist doctrine. These Bro. Chism would readily locate and expose the error.

This victory will aid me in my hard struggle in these parts. The debaters signed propositions to meet for ten days under tent April 18 at New Boston, Texas.