Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


E. G. Creacy vs Dr. B. N. Hillard (Baptist)
July 4, 1935
Cincinnati, Ohio

(By Hugo McCord)

June 18-21 at Cincinnati, Ohio.

Bro. Creacy ably set forth pure Christianity. Dr. Hillard, Pastor of one of Cincinnati's largest Baptist Churches, was a much better prepared man than in his former effort with Creacy. Each man affirmed the origin, name, and scripturalness of his church. The last two sessions were on the design of baptism.

Bro. Creacy's strong attack on Baptist doctrine brought much irritation to Dr. Hillard and his moderator. So afraid were they of their efforts that they continually interrupted Bro. Creacy's last speech and even refused to allow Bro. Creacy all of his rebuttal period. We thought that the "better part of valor" and discretion and even the Christian spirit suggested that we yield to such manifest unfairness and rudeness and childishness. Consequently the audience left with a better impression of the truth's representative, because he refused to descend to a disgraceful "street scene."

I do not know why, but Dr. Hillard had with him at all times a copy of the "Norris-Wallace Debate(?). He never referred to it.