Jon Gary Williams
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A. G. Freed vs Penick
April 9, 1908
Toone, Tennessee

(By G. A. Dunn)

This debate held at Toone, Tennessee, March 10-13.

Four propositions: Establishment of the church, Baptism for the remission of sins, Salvation by faith along, Apostasy.

Weather fine, great crowds, held in Baptist Church. N. B. Hardeman moderated for Freed. Both men seemed to do their best. I had heard Penick before, when he did not fight hard, but made a very great effort to appear exceedingly fair. Penick is as good as the Baptist have in this country, if not as good as they have anywhere. But he can be made to show his temper. Bro. Freed was very pleasant, very courteous, and very strong.

Of course debaters are generally reported victories by both sides, but I think that those that were in attendance know where victory was. I wish that Toone would have another debate, but I would not be surprised if the Baptists declare that they are done with debates there.

The old-time custom of each side preaching at night was broken here. When I announced that Bro. Hardeman would preach on Thursday night, The Baptists refused to let him preach in the house. They said they did not have anything against him, but-but-but well, they just did not want our people to preach in their house. I then announced that Bro. Hardeman would preach that night at the schoolhouse, which he did. The Baptist preached in their house, the same night. But Bro. Hardeman had more than he could seat, some sitting in the windows, some standing up. Mr. Penick's moderator came to hear Bro. Hardeman instead of hearing his own man. I am sure they lost by refusing the use of their house. Our people were pleasant and courteous all the time; so were the Baptist with this one exception. We hold no unkind feeling for them, and when they want our houses, let them only let it be known.

But little need be said about arguments. Penick said that he baptized both the inner and outer man; that the outer man was a child of wrath, and therefore a child of the devil. Hence he baptizes a child of the devil. He also said the nature is not changed in birth, and that begettal and birth are the same; hence a man who is a child of the devil before the begettal or birth would remain a child of the devil after it. So all the begotten of the Baptists are still devils.

In his order of regeneration, repentance, and faith, he would have a regenerated soul in heaven in impenitence and infidelity, should one die immediately after regeneration and before repentance and faith. Many more curious things were taught by Mr. Penick, but this will suffice. I have heard many of our very best debaters, and I think Freed is not to be placed anywhere but with the very best. He is earnest, strong, polite and keep himself under control.

Brethren Freed and Hardeman have a $30,000 building in course of construction in Henderson that will be ready this fall. That school (F.H.C.) Ought to be a great blessing to this country. The Bible as well as other lines will be taught, and you may rest assured that no "doctrines of men" will be taught.

Many preachers attended and enjoyed the debate. These meetings of brother preachers together are very pleasant.

The battle is great in their country and all should be alive to all possible good.