Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


A. G. Freed vs Bill Evans (Methodist)
September 19, 1912
Burkhead's Chapel in Chester County

(By L. L. Brigance)

Bro. Freed is engaged in a discussion of Methodist doctrine at Burkhead's Chapel, in Chester County with Rev. W. N. (Wild Bill) Evans.

The Methodists have a large tabernacle under which the debate is being held, and the audiences are estimated at 1,200. This is a debate in name only, as "Wild Bill" is wholly unable to make any defense of his side of the contention; but Bro. Freed is preaching the old Jerusalem gospel to hundreds that never heard it before. We expect to hold a meeting at this place in the future and we are sure the debate is doing great good. We have already heard of some Methodists that have renounced it. Bro. Hardeman is moderating for Bro. Freed and is making "Wild Bill" behave himself nicely.

Bro. N. B. Hardeman preached one night and baptized four. (November 21, 1912)