Jon Gary Williams
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E. C. Fuqua vs M. J. Arledge (Primitive Baptist)

(By E. C. Fuqua)

General church proposition for ten nights. Arledge is weakest man in argumentation I ever met. He was incapable of making or seeing an argument. Blind to all arguments but had good education.

He unwittingly lent himself to the cause of truth in Olathe, Colorado by engaging in this discussion and bringing truth before the people. Tried to drag Alexander Campbell into discussion. He enabled me to prove that Alexander Campbell had no more to do with founding of Church of Christ than he had with the inspiration of the New Testament. I thanked him publicly and shook hands over this matter. It cleared error away.

Arledge's moderator, Bro. Woods from Nashville, Tennessee challenged me for a debate in two weeks. I accepted. The first debate did not suit the Primitive Baptists. This is best way to get truth before people in mission field. I have had six in last two years in Colorado. They have caused church to grow.

Mrs. Fuqua was on crutches. She had T.B. of hip joint. Almost helpless, but Fuqua continued to work for Lord.