Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Leroy Garrett vs D. N. Jackson (Missionary Baptist)
February 20, 1941
Taylor, Arkansas

January 28 - February 2 at Taylor, Arkansas.

Usual propositions. This was Garrett's first debate, and he did well to be inexperienced. The second night his voice got so hoarse that he could hardly speak, and, for fear he couldn't continue, we wanted another man, but the Baptists would not agree to it. But Garrett went ahead. Jackson never did set up the Baptist Church at any definite time. He pulled it back and forth from the time of John the Baptist to the selection of the 12 in the mountains (Mark 3:14). He discarded what great Baptist scholars had said on Mark 16:16 and Acts 2:38. He took our position on the Holy Spirit, but said little children came into this world away from God.

When Bro. Garrett pressed him for a plan of salvation for them, he gave John 1:29 and I Timothy 4:10. Also, he said that if a child of God got drunk and died drunk he would go to heaven. But he said it was not the inner man that got drunk, but the outer man; that the outer man and all his works would perish.