Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Fisher Gray vs A. J. Sloan (Missionary Baptist)
July 20, 1939
Berea, Kentucky

(By Fisher Gray)

June 27 - 30 at Berea, near Tompkinsville, Kentucky.

House filled to overflowing, elders and preachers far and near attended. The first day I introduced Acts 2:38 in my affirmative and after my first speech he felt his defeat and admitted he did not intend to deal with Acts 2:38. And he made no attempt to break through the so called "ice" (EIS) of Acts 2:38. He made repeated, desperate, but vain attempts to lure me away from Acts 2:38 but to no avail.

On apostasy, Mr. Sloan said that "one who has been redeemed by the blood of Christ cannot so far apostatize as to be finally lost." He selected I John 3:9 as his proof text, but I showed that his proposition contradicted I John 2:24 and I Peter 5:8. Then he left his proof text and went to Psalms 37:24. Then I followed him and asked him to tell us what "God's upholding hand" in Psalms 37:24 is if it is "not God's written word" which He intends for His people to obey.

On apostasy, I selected Hebrews 6:4-6 as my proof text. He never did anything with that text, but went to Hebrews 6:18-19 for refuge; but I showed that this verse contradicted Colossians 1:23. I asked him a question on Galatians 5:19-21. His answer to this question failed to receive the approval of many of his own brethren.