Jon Gary Williams
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J. B. Griffith vs W. E. Liddell (Missionary Baptist)
November 11, 1926
Piggott, Arkansas

(By L. R. Wilson)

September 28 - October 2. Near Piggott, Arkansas on general church proposition.

Elder Liddell tried to trace a line of succession from Dyersburg, Tennessee to John the Baptist; but the only evidence deduced was his old scrapbook, saying, "Jones teaches this or that; see page so and so." On and on he went back in such a manner, referring to about one congregation in every century and then said, "I've proved it." He had neither the correct quotation nor the history. Even if he had them all, he would not have had enough material to support his claim. All that Bro. Griffith had to do was call attention to his lack. Then Bro. Griffith asked him: "who baptized the man who baptized you?" He could not answer. Bro. Griffith said, "Why, you can't even tell who your grandfather was let alone trying to trace every step." Then Griffith read from Benedict, Orchard, and Armitage's history and showed his own Baptist scholars cracked a link in his chain. Liddell criticized such scholars as Hackett, Winer, Wilmarth. It greatly confused Elder Liddell when Bro. Griffith introduced only two arguments on baptism (Acts 2:38 and Mark 16:16). He knows nothing about English diagrams and less about Greek and scholarship. He took three positions on "EIS" in Acts 2:38. He spent most of his time trying to draw his opponent away from the subject, but did not succeed.

On apostasy, Bro. Griffith declared that Baptist doctrine is equal to Roman Catholicism, in that after one accepts either he can lie, steal, or do anything else mean, and still go on to heaven, the only different being that in the latter one has to buy the Pope's indulgence while the Baptist peddle the former free all over the country.

L. R. Wilson moderated for Bro. Griffith. He preached and baptized three. Elder Liddell left to go meet Bro. Joe Blue in debate. Only those who know Bro. Blue can appreciate what was in store for Liddell.