Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


S. H. Hall vs two Holiness preachers and a Roman Catholic
East Point, Georgia

Reported by S. H. Hall himself
August 24, 1916 - Atlanta, Georgia

Nothing has contributed more to our work than the friendly discussions that we had with two Holiness friends and a Roman Catholic during the East Point tent meeting last month. Mr. Myers, the first Holiness minister had agreed to a four night debate on sanctification and baptism of the Holy Spirit. But he quit the second night. His place was taken by a second speaker, but would not stand behind Myers and his theories. He said Myers ran "speaking in tongues into the ground." Both sessions were pleasant.

Mr. Aberst, a Roman Catholic, tried to defend his faith before the largest crowd of the meeting. Almost 1,000 attended. His effort for R.C. was strong, but went to pieces under the fire of God's eternal truth.