Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


S. H. Hall vs J. J. Walker (Christian Church)
November, 1922
Russell Street church of Christ & Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, Tennessee

(By H. Leo Boles)

This was a discussion between J. J. Walker of the Woodland Street Christian Church and S. H. Hall of the Russell Street church of Christ, on the use of instrumental music in the worship of the church. There was no specific proposition agreed upon.

Bro. Hall tried for months to get Walker to state clearly and definitely a logical proposition. The nearest approach to a debatable proposition was this: "I propose to give my very best reasons for believing that instrumental music in church worship is scriptural." This gave him opportunity to wander, wrangle and evade the real issue. Early in the debate Walker flatly refused to define the terms of his clumsy proposition, although he greed to abide by Hedges Rules of discussion. His moderator did not make him define. However, bro. Hall forced him to make a definite issue.

Bro. Hall kept his part of the debate on a high plane. Comments on the contrasts between the two men was heard on every side. Bro. Hall showed to the people that a man can discuss a Bible question in a public way and be governed by the Spirit of our Lord.

But here we were sorely disappointed in bro. Walker. He showed not the slightest regard for the signed agreement and persistently stayed as far away from the idea of union as he could and endeavored to play on the prejudices of the people, and avoided a real discussion.

Bro. Hall showed rare skill in handling his part of the discussion. He paid but little attention to the much extraneous and irrelevant matter bro. W. was consistently introducing, but dealt crushing blows to everything bro. W. introduced that the semblance of an argument to it. The brethren were well pleased with bro. Hall. Much good accomplished by the numbers leaving the Christian church and identifying themselves with loyal congregations.