Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


S. H. Hall vs L . D. Richardson (Seventh-Day Adventist)
February 15, 1923
Dayton, Tennessee

(By Will J. Cullum)

At Dayton, Tenn.

Richardson affirmed keeping of the Sabbath for six nights. This was in every way the cleanest debate that I have ever heard. The speakers demonstrated by their attitude that discussion can be had without wrangling or personalities. Mr. Richardson is a gentleman and believes his doctrine with all his heart. S. H. Hall manifested the spirit of Christ at all times. He confines himself to the subject under consideration and the word of God is final in all matters spiritual. He convinces his hearers that he believes in "what he believes" and that with all his soul. It is conceded by the denominations (except Adventists) that bro. Hall was too much for Richardson.

The brotherhood will make no mistake to call upon S. H. Hall for the defense of the truth. He is earnest, logical, and forceful in all of his arguments, hence, convincing. It is said by Dayton citizens that the seventh Day doctrine has suffered a main blow where they have been very strong. Mr. R. was asked to meet Hall at Ooltewah and in Nashville on the Sabbath questions. We will wait his pleasure.