Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


C. B. Head vs A. M. Baker (Mormon)
October 22, 1936
Springdale, Arkansas

(By James L. Neal)

Debate at Halcomb Street church of Christ, Springdale, Ark - 6 days. The discussion was educational and interesting.

Mr. Baker is a man of some ability, speaks well, and at times very loud. I think Baker felt harder on trying to uphold Joe Smith as an inspired prophet. His claim for living apostles on earth now, together with miraculous power for his brethren, seemed very weak to me. Mr. Baker is premillennialist, and thinks Missouri will be the new land of promise, with Independence, Missouri as headquarters - the "New Jerusalem."

Bro. Head was equal to the occasion and handled the situation well. From an educational view alone, such discussion should be better attended by the people, to say nothing of the spiritual value.