Jon Gary Williams
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John W. Hedge vs Albert Garner (Missionary Baptist)
January 21, 1954

Gallatin, Texas (By I. E. Johnson)

At Gallatin, Texas, the 2nd and 3rd weeks (8 nights) of Oct. 1953 - under large tent with great crowds - four persons baptized.

Garner affirmed: "That it is the duty of a saved individual, a Christian, to be baptized and that such an act of obedience declared him to be saved." It is unusual for a Baptist debater to affirm on the design of baptism and note Garner's boldness in this respect.

Bro. Hedge showed from Mk. 16:16 that baptism is connected with faith, and if baptism "declared" one saved, so does faith, and in that case one is "declared saved" as when he is baptized. Bro. Hedge affirmed that salvation is in the church, for all responsible people living in the present age or dispensation. At least 20 gospel preachers attended. Also many Baptist preachers.