Jon Gary Williams
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James Hill vs W. B. Woodall (Methodist)
August 21, 1902
Location not given

(By L. T. Key)

W. B. Woodall heard bro. J. K. Hill preach 3 sermons on "The baptism of the Holy Spirit. He challenged Hill for debate. Hill affirmed : "The scriptures do not teach we are to expect the baptism of the H. S. at this age."

In the first speech Hill asked Woodall 15 questions that he promised to answer, but on the second night he refused to answer them. Woodall said that the "baptism of the Holy Spirit was for the believer only." Hill had Woodall confused all the debate, such a position would turn him out of the Methodist church. He finally said that Acts 8:17 AND 29:6 are H. S. baptism, but would never tell bro. Hill whether he received this baptism, nor that we were to expect it now.

Bro. Hill drove Woodall to the wall on the one baptism (Eph. 4:5); he made Woodall acknowledge that he used two baptisms and that Christ was authority for water baptism. Bro. Hill showed 18 evidences of Holy Spirit baptism at Pentecost and Woodall had only one - feeling. Woodall tried to mislead his hearers on Acts 2:38,39 - making the gift Holy Spirit baptism. Bro. Hill discoursed with power on Joel 2:38 and its fulfillment at Pentecost and the house of Cornelius, and proved by the Bible and Woodall's own statements that this baptism did not remove depravity, produce faith, save, give evidence of salvation; but he made it clear with such force that Woodall never recovered from the shock. Woodall spent his time in reading and demeaning bro. Hill. I have heard and read debates, but this was the grandest victory of all.

Woodall went away angry and disgusted, saying that he would never again hear bro. Hill preach. On Tuesday night one of Woodall's members told him publicly, after his name had been called out, that he (Woodall) did not make a point.

The debate did much good. Many have expressed themselves as being convinced that they have been taught wrong.