Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


John T. Hinds vs Dr. Hughey (Methodist)
March 29, 1906
Rocky Comfort, Missouri

(By D.S. Higdon)

Feb. 28 - seven days debate. Dr. Hughey got sick and closed debate after 5 days. Debated: The design of baptism - direct work of H. S. - sprinkling and pouring for baptism.

Bro. Hinds held meeting there and baptized several. Methodist said their church was "gone" if someone did not come to "patch up" broken walls of the Methodists. Dr, Hughey was called "Campbellite killer." He came at their bidding, opened his mouth and turned his tongue loose. Dr. Hughey was very extravagant in his abuse of the doctrine of Christ. He thought he had one more good fight in him. The brethren told the Methodists to bring him on. So the debate was held. Dr. Hughey is an able man, but not as strong in debate as his younger days. He held up remarkably well until last two nights.

Bro. Hinds is a young man yet, and is a humble, God-fearing man. All brethren pleased with his defense. I have never known of a more complete victory for the truth. Bro. Hinds is quick in debate, strong in argument, and able to meet anyone in debate. He wastes no time in foolishness, but proves to the people that he is searching for truth.

Brethren, this disposition in debate is mighty and will prevail. We must insist that the denominations put up respectable men to do their debating. Bro. Hinds kept his part of the debate on a high plane.

Bro. U. G. Wilkinson moderated for bro. Hinds. At the opening of the debate it appeared that some were there as a laughing committee to help Dr. Hughey out, but the first pass was the last; for when bro. Wilkinson spoke, they saw it was no joke.