Jon Gary Williams
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J. L. Hines vs C. B. Massey (Missionary Baptist)
Lafayette, Tennessee

(By Willie Hunter)

Nov. 9-12 in courthouse at LaFayette, Tenn. Baptism for the remission of sins and faith alone salvation were the subjects.

Bro. Hines is a fine speaker, knows the book, and presents the truth in a forceful manner. Massey made the usual Baptist plea, going behind the cross, taking up cases of healing and then on to Cornelius' case (Act 10). Hines met every quibble and completely refuted and crushed his weak position.

Massey took some positions I never heard a Baptist take before. One was that "water" in John 3:5 means blood. Another was that the old law has not been abrogated and blundering from one thing to another, without reason or revelation to support or sustain his contention.

Hines and Massey shook hands on "the blood of Christ washes away sins;" but Massey saw the trap he was in when he had been trying to set up a plan of salvation before the cross. Massey finally stated that he believed baptism for the remission of sins, but refused to shake hands with bro. Hines on his own statement. For 4 days Hines begged him to tell what baptism saves from I Pet. 3:21, but Massey never did tell. This was a nice, clean debate, not once did Massey call us "Campbellites." But his moderator (A. J. Sloan) did and refused to apologize.

Bro. and Mrs. Hines made their home with sister Laura Harlin and a splendid home it was. Sister Harlin is one of God's noble saints. The debate was a great triumph for the truth of God's word. Bro. Hines is a great soldier, well equipped for battle.

Brethren there: J. B. Knight, D. H. Knight, Will J. Cullum, J. M. Dennis. There was preaching by the brethren every night of the debate.