Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


J. L. Hines vs Frand Norris (Baptist)
March 14, 1946
Dallas, Texas area
(By J. L. Hines)

We began at 7 p.m. and closed first session at 11:50 p.m. The crowd numbered 2500; attention was good - no bitterness. This debate on premillennialism ran through Feb. and ended March 3. Each Sunday nights only. It was in the auditorium of First Baptist Church and most of the time over radio station KFJZ.

We had no moderators, time keepers or rules. Each man was on his honor. The speeches ran from 45 minutes to 60 minutes. At no time did either speaker interrupt the other. Not a bitter word in the entire debate. It was free from personalities. The KJV was used. We submitted arguments freely each to the other in advance, answered questions, and defined terms. Neither one used trickery, or tried to impugn the motive of the other. We asked for no quarters nor gave any. We discussed the subject, Norris showed himself to be a cultured gentleman. (Book form?)