Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


F. O. Howell vs J. R. McClain (Mormon)
March 23, 1916
Mayfield, Kentucky

(By A.L. Wilson)

In the courthouse of Mayfield, Ky.

It is reported that McClain stands at the head of the church in Ky and Tenn., but he showed an ugly disposition. Perhaps it was lack of knowledge of debating. Every time bro. Howell mentioned Joseph Smith or Book of Mormon, he would rise and and stop bro. H. from speaking. Yet he said he believed the Book of Mormon was of divine origin and Joe Smith was a true prophet of God. In his last affirmative he spent 30 minutes trying to prove it.

Bro. Howell, in a firm and genteel manner, examined Smith's character as set forth by standard historians. McClain and moderator stopped him so much he could not make a speech. Finally bro. Howell had to dismiss the crowd. I have attended many debates but never before have I see a debater deny his opponent a chance to examine his teaching.

Bro. Howell is a strong, bold and fearless man. One of strongest debaters in this section. All brethren were pleased.