Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


F. O. Howell vs C. H. Cayce (Primitive Baptist)
April, 1917
Vaughan's Grove, Tennessee

(By unknown)

Held at Vaughan's Grove, 6 miles east of Trenton, Tenn. March 27-30. One proposition: "Is Salvation conditional or unconditional?"

A warm personal friendship existed between preachers. Each showed no quarter in examining the other's position. Both experienced scholarly and capable. Bro. Howell had advantage of strong personality, pleasing address, cultivated voice and easy way of meeting arguments. Many of his arguments were not answered. In the affirmative Cayce quoted many passages and made many brief arguments. Bro. Howell in less than half the time. He filled in rest of time preaching gospel.

Mr. Cayce was embarrassed over: "How does one become an alien and when?" "Is eternal life a thing of the flesh or a thing of the spirit?" He was hard pressed on the statements he made. Howell asked: "Where do infants go?" Cayce said: "All infants dying in infancy go to heaven." On the potter and clay argument, Mr. C. said clay is passive in hands of potter and the sinner is passive in hands of God." But Howell ruined him on this. "If Cayce's doctrine is true, God, the potter, destined the vessels of clay unto honor and dishonor, and lost his power over the clay before the clay was ever created, and the potter had no power over the clay after the clay was created: hence Paul's statement was untrue and Paul was an imposter.

There were a number of preachers there: C. R. Nichol, W. L. Denton, I. A. Douthitt, John Taylor, B. E. Hayden and bro. Spears. Brethren well pleased - great crowds. Eternity alone can reveal the great good that was accomplished.