Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Reported by F. O. Howell
Baptists Have Had Enough Discussion
April 28, 1927

During my debate with John R. Clark, Missionary Baptist of Martin, Tenn, a little more than a year ago, he challenged me to repeat the discussion at Jackson, Tenn. He also proposed to furnish a tent and bear all of the expense of seating, lighting and caring for same. The challenge was made at Cloverport, Tenn., as hundreds of his brethren, and mine as well, know. I thought at the time he was whistling through the graveyard to keep up courage. I have written Mr. Clark four times that my brethren at Jackson were ready for the debate. But he has been, and is now, as silent as the grave. I think he has found out that the Baptist cause can better survive without debates than with them

A. U. Nunnery has signed propositions for a debate at the North Jackson Baptist Church. The debate will begin in a few days, or as soon as a date is suitable for both parties,

Some of the Baptist preachers in Union University requested me to submit propositions to I. N. Penick, Dean of theology in that institution, for a discussion to be held in Jackson, which I did, but I have heard nothing from Mr. Penick. He seems to have quit the field also.