Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Baptists Back Out
December 6, 1928

(By F. O. Howell)

I regret to inform my friends that Mr. A. U. Nunnery, sensational preacher among Missionary Baptists, has backed completely down from the debate we planned and announced for Dec. at Alberton, Near Lexington, Tenn. Mr. Nunnery made the challenge through some of his members during the meeting there in Sept. He wrote me last week that his brethren refused to support the debate, I presume they have seen their cause suffer too many times in Mr. Nunnery's hands. The cause of truth has nothing to fear by honest investigation, but Baptist doctrine suffers when heaven's eternal searchlight is turned on.

I suggest that Mr. Nunnery consult his brethren next time before he flies to such a high perch, and he will not have to be humiliated by having them turn him down. Mr. Nunnery is a revivalist of the "Holy Roller" type. J. R. Graves, famous Baptist divine, said that the way such Baptists carry on does not accord with reason, common sense, or common decency. I think Mr. Nunnery knows that both his doctrine and tactics are wrong. The Lord help him to repent.