Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


J. C. Jones vs J. W. Sims (Methodist)
Near Lexington, Alabama

(By E. M. Goar)

Sept. 5-8 near Lexington, Ala. - baptism mode and design debated.

Bro. Jones from Rogersville, Ala. proved Baptism is essential by Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; I Pet. 3:21 and many others. This was bro. Jones first debate; Sims had 18 debates.

Bro. Jones did his work well. He would ask Sims: "If the scriptures do not mean what they say, then what do they mean?" All Sims would reply was: "We are saved by repentance and saved by confession and saved by grace." Jones answered: "I believe that too, but we are talking about baptism."

Sims promised to meet W. T. Boaz from Columbia, Tenn in a debate at Appleton, Tenn. When the four propositions were presented to him bro. Boaz's name was signed to them, Sims backed down.