Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Jones Reports
October 26, 1911
Nashville, Tennessee

I recently closed a meeting at Beamsville, Ontario, Canada. Eight were baptized. During the meeting I was publicly approached by J. Nickels to a public debate. He affirmed "I, Joseph Nickels, affirm that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the only baptism necessary for people to have today."

While Mr. Nickels and I were discussing this proposition, a Mr. Rodes, a Church of England preacher, of Point Edward, interfered until it was agreed that he and I would discuss the question of baptism in general after my debate with Nickels, which we did. Much interest was shown and great crowds came to hear. This is a very singular thing for Canada - to have two debates in succession in the same place for Canadians, as a rule, are opposed to religious discussions. I am sure great good was accomplished.