Jon Gary Williams
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Warren S. Jones vs Walter Kesslar (Jehovah Witness)
January 26, 1950
Waterloo, Indiana

(By Joseph F. Jones)

Warren S. Jones vs Walter Kesslar - Jan. 4, 5 - Town Hall, Waterloo, Ind.

1st proposition: "The scriptures teach that the kingdom of Christ was established on Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ." Bro. Jones affirmed in a most effective way. Mr. Kesslar denying used weak counter arguments on their well-known theory as to the kingdom established in 1914. 2nd evening Kesslar tried to prove a negative. "The scriptures teach that there is no eternal torment." We preferred using the word "punishment," but Kesslar would not sign the proposition unless the word "torment" was used.

The debate was conducted on a high plane. Kesslar is no young man in the camp of the Russellites, but a man of considerable years, having known both Russell and Rutherford in person. Yet it was evident in both nights of the debate that the power of truth was having its sway not only upon Mr. Kesslar, but the audience as a whole.

There were many high spots in the discussion which occasioned either smiles or serious frowns from a most responsive audience. For example, Mr. Kesslar at one time in the 2nd night came to the floor with the statement that, "Mr Jones doesn't stop reading where I want him to." A gentle laugh swept over the audience and Kesslar tried to cover his embarrassment. Recent comments by both Christians and outsiders are most encouraging.