Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


O. C. Lambert vs W. T. Stegall (Baptist)
September 14, 1916
Reform, Alabama

(By A. H. Smith)

I have just returned from Reform where I served as moderator for bro. O. C. Lambert, of Ala., in a debate with W. T. Segall (Baptist) of Pontotoc, Miss. The debate was for three days. Propositions were: total depravity, faith only, baptism for remission of sins and apostasy. The debate was conducted in a proper way. Bro. Lambert did his work well and completely overturned all of the Baptist arguments. After the debate I preached in a meeting and a 72 year old Baptist man obeyed the gospel. He has been a Baptist for 51 years. The attendance, attention and interest as fine. The truth stood out beautifully.