Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


An Unexpected Debate
L. S. Lancaster vs E. L. Roy (Methodist)
October 16, 1913
Belgreen, Alabama

(By L. S. Lancaster)

Bro. G.A. Dun of Berry, Ala., held a meeting at Belgreen, Ala. and baptized 29. A new church was started. Several came from the Methodist Church. The pastor was made angry - the presiding elder wired for E. L. Roy of New Hope, Ala. Roy passed through Russellville en route to Belgreen on Sat, Sept. 20 and stated that he expected bro. Dunn to meet him there for a discussion. This was a false report because none of the brethren had been informed. Roy began alone to exterminate the "Campbellites." Some of his slanderous remarks and broad, boastful challenges were very distasteful to our brethren, and on Tuesday a.m. they telephoned me to come. When I reached Belgreen I found that the man would not sign any fair proposition, but he would give me half time if I would deny what he preached. The affair was very pleasant to me.

Mr. Roy was not strong in his teaching and very mild in the face of an opponent. But he was mighty rough when no opponent was present. The discussion was completed in 3 sessions, Roy taking his first text on Acts 16:31 and making an effort to prove salvation by faith only, yet refusing to take his stand squarely on the issue. But with the aid of Paragraph 666, coupled with Article IX of the "Methodist Discipline," I drew the issue and succeeded in making him take a stand. There was no unpleasantness at all connected with the entire discussion and the brethren seemed satisfied and happy over the way it terminated.