Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


J. H. Lawson vs. Mr. Fields (Seventh-Day Adventist)
October 10, 1901
Black Rock, Arkansas

(By J. R. Woodson)

For more than 3 years the Adventists have been promulgating their doctrine publicly and from house to house here at Blackrock. The challenged anyone on the Sabbath question; but the sects feared them.

On Sep. 18 J. H. Lawson met Fields. Bro. Lawson was reared and educated here and he has ever been regarded as a man of ability; but his victory over the Adventists on this occasion was so complete that all were astonished. Some who has accepted the 7 day theory gave it up, and I am sure that the Adventists will nevermore be able to draw away the people after them as they have done heretofore. I consider bro. Lawson one of the greatest debaters in the church. He is rapid, forceful and simple - in fact, seems to have all the necessary qualifications for debating. He never mud slings, uses only the Bible. He wins the admiration of all.

Mr. Fields was very pleasant. And while the contention was sharp, there was not a word from either of them that indicated prejudice, envy or personal victory. Mr. Fields did not make an argument or ask a question that disrupted bro. Lawson for a moment. He was ready at every point and had his points clearly in his mind before beginning the debate. Bro. Lawson left Black Rock better loved than ever.