Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


R. S. Lyon vs Ben Bogard (Baptist)
November 8, 1906
Little Bay, Arkansas

(By M. J. H. Joyce)

The debate at Little Bay, Calhoun Co. Ark. Between bro. R.S. Lyon and Ben Bogard is over. It was a glorious victory for the cause of Christ. During the first two days Bogard aff. General church question; bro. Lyon aff. General church question two days.

Mr Bogard failed on every point he tried to make, bro. Lyon taking his scriptures away from him. All he could do was to rattle his historical claim, and he and his brethren soon became tired of that. Bro. Lyon established the fact that the church was fully established on the first Pentecost after the resurrection. In reply to this, Bogard said if that be a fact, all they had to do was to move up 3 years. The point of assembling on the first day of the week Mr. Bogard never noticed, after being called to the scriptures time and again as the as the apostle's practice. On total depravity he failed completely, as on all other points. He then resorted to their old method of calling the scriptures presented by bro. Lyon. "Campbellism."

If brethren anywhere are troubled with the Baptists, and especially Ben Bogard, they should send for bro. R.S. Lyon, who is abundantly able to meet all their sophistries.