Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


L. W. Mayo vs Luther Lynch (Oneness Holiness)
July 1, 1948
Terra Bella, California

(By V. N. Ballard)

At Terra Bella, Calif. - May 3-8.

Bro. Mayo affirmed: Water baptism should be administered according to Matt. 28:19, 20. For three nights Mr. Lynch affirmed that Jesus Christ is the only person in the Godhead. Lynch's people began to quit him after the second night.

Bro. Mayo did excellent job - is an excellent speaker and a good thinker, knows how to handle an argument and press a point until it hurts. He presented arguments in his very first speech that were still un answered at the close of the debate. He had Lynch so confused that he would argue one thing in one speech and deny it in the next. As a debater, bro. Mayo is clean and conducts himself as a gentleman. If you ever need a defender of the truth call bro. Mayo - he gets the job done.