Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


W. E. Morgan vs J. M. Lawrence (Baptist)
July 30, 1914
Location Unknown

(By E. M. Tackett)

J. W. Brewer was scheduled to debate but got sick and the Baptist called J. M. Lawrence . The debate began on 4th Sunday in June. General church issues discussed by both.

An amusing argument was as follows. Mr. Lawrence asserted that all from Adam's transgression are born guilty of sin. "Then," said Morgan, "As no sin can enter heaven, all who die in infancy are lost." "No," replied Lawrence. "Christ's shed blood redeemed all infants and put them in God's grace." Morgan asked, "And once in grace always in grace?" "Yes," said Lawrence." Morgan then said, "And in as much as all are at first infants, you have universal salvation." "No, No" replied Lawrence, and then he made a ridiculous statement: "Perseverance applies to regenerating and not redeeming grace." But the Bible does not hint at such absurdities and all could see the error of Baptist doctrine. After the debate 10 were baptized, 3 Baptists and 2 Methodists. All had attended the debate.