Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


C. R. Nichol vs C. L. Balard (Methodist)
May 13, 1909
Fargo, Texas

(By W. A. Bentley)

The debate began at Fargo, Tx. - April 12 - four days. Six hours each day.

Propositions: Infant baptism, sprinkling or poring, design of baptism, operation of the Holy Spirit in conversion.

The debate was well attended and great interest shown - the best of feeling and good order prevailed. The faithful were well pleased with bro. Nichol's able defense of the truth. He is a power in debate and forceful in argument; he exposes sophistry and false doctrine in all its descriptive forms. I am sure that some of the Methodist people realized their defeat. C.L. Ballard is considered the strongest representative of Methodism in Texas. I consider bro. Nichol graceful and persuasive in debate.