Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


C. R. Nichol vs H. B. Taylor (Baptist)
September 3, 1914
Jayner's Chapel, Trigg County, Kentucky

(By W. T. Boaz)

May 5-8, 1914

First time they debated each other. Taylor had 16 debates; bro. Nichol 200. Taylor affirmed: church set up before death of Christ. Nichol pressed him so strongly that Taylor admitted: Christ was not a priest on earth; the Holy Spirit did not come into the church until the day of day of Pentecost. His position was the church set up in Matt. 4:18-22 where Jesus called the first 4 disciples.

The last two days Nichol affirmed: Baptism for remission of sins. Taylor was absolutely at his mercy. I have heard many discussions in my life, but I regard bro. Nichol's work the ablest I have ever heard. Taylor charged that we had more creeds than anybody, but that we denied it. He was pressured to prove it. He couldn't. He was then publicly forced to withdraw his charge and admitted we had no creed.