Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


C. R. Nichol vs B. W. Dodson (Methodist)
June 17, 1915
Location Unknown

(By J. W. Kelley)

Called: The Hatchel Debate" - May 6-9

Bro. Nichol aff: That the H. S. operated in conversion through written or spoken word. Mr. Dodson admitted the Spirit operated through the word, but claimed it operated in other ways. He made his main stand on Rom. 1:18-20. He said nature taught man, ignoring the statement of Paul that bro. Nichol had used - "I had not known sin, but by the law." (Rom. 7:7)

Mr. Dodson aff: Sprinkling and pouring are scriptural baptism. He said "baptize" could not be translated "immerse" because it meant "immerse, sprinkle or pour." Bro. Nichol asked him if "rantize" meant "sprinkle." He answered, "Yes. Then bro. Nichol called for the Greek word that means "immerse" and Dodson was silent as the tomb. Bro. Nichol quoted Thayer who said, "baptizo" meant "immerse" and Dodson agreed. Bro. Nichol said, "That which differs from that which is right is wrong. Sprinkling and pouring differ from immersion; therefore sprinkling and pouring are wrong."

Dodson affirmed infant baptism. Bro. Nichol showed from the Methodist Discipline and Methodist scholars that they teach that babies are regenerated in baptism. Since it is without faith, repentance or confession, not even conscious of what is done to them, it is water salvation, and the Methodist believe so strongly in water that just a few drops save. He also showed that their position teaches the damnation of all babies that die in infancy that are not baptized.

Mr. Dodson is a fine man in debate, but it is hard for a man to kick against the goads. Bro. Nichol is well qualified to meet any man. Brethren, call for him when you need error met.