Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


C. R. Nichol vs T. S. Payne (Church of God - Holiness)
July 7, 1918
Cleveland, Tennessee

(By Unknown)

General church propositions - 4 days debate.

In his affirmative bro. Nichol took the Bible and beautifully set forth the church of Christ in its origin, its faith, its doctrines, its practice. Th arguments he gave to sustain his proposition were wonderfully clear and profoundly true. The origin, at Jerusalem on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ. Scriptural roof of this was unlimited. The faith, doctrine and practice of the church to which bro. Nichol belongs were overwhelmingly sustained and proven to be exact with that of the N.T. church.

Bro. Nichol presented Mr. Payne 40 questions which were never answered. Payne said the church of God began as an organized body when Christ sent out the 12 in Matt.10:1-7. And the church today must be exactly like that one to be the church of God. Bro. Nichol showed that up to the ascension these apostles were "unconverted," "hard-hearted," "unbelievers," denying the Lord with swearing and cursing. This did not suit their claims to sanctification. Payne's efforts to prove their claims in the work of the H.S., sanctification, miraculous gifts, divine healing, holy dancing and foot washing were utter failures.

On the 3rd night, just as bro. Nichol closed his last speech, some women "sanctifieds" began jabbering to bro. Nichol in what they call the "unknown tongue." One of them told him (Nichol) that she saw the devil in his face and hit him in the face several times with her fist. She told him that the would fall dead before morning. Bro. Nichol told them the next evening that he did not know before that his face was a mirror - and that she saw herself in the reflection. He also told them that the revelations that they were getting were false revelations; that this woman, supposedly under the influence of the H.S., was under a false delusion, because he was still alive. With this exception, we had perfect order. Both speakers conducted themselves in a very pleasant manner.
Bro. Nichol has made for himself and the truth for which he stands, many friends. Hundreds are expressing admiration for him and anxious to hear him in a meeting. The debate was well attended throughout.