Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


C. R. Nichol vs John R. Clark (Missionary Baptist)
December 12, 1926
Vale, Tennessee

(By Coleman Overby)

Nov. 16-19 at Vale Tenn.

Mr. Clark delighted in calling the people of God bad names. Here are some of his classic sayings: "Campbellies" "Sons of Alex" "Here is your dad's picture, do you love him?" "Campbelitte Ku Klux Klan, with apology to the Ku Klux" "Bambastical, egotistical Campbellite preadhers" "The Campbellite goat pen" "Water is your mother" "Campbellite priests" "Campbelliet pope" "Campbellite gods" "Skip from the Greek to the creek" "Your possum grin you brought from Texas" "Little Campbellite bosses." He has been known to use the word "Campbellite" more than a hundred times in one speech.

Bro. Nichol in his first affirmative speech introduced in a brief way the while church question. He used more that 80 passages, stating the origin, doctrine and practice of the church of Christ in a succinct manner, To these passages, piled mountain high. Mr. Clark made no reply. Mr. Clark spent time vilifying his opponent and reading questions from his "Campbellie Catcher." Bro. Nichol answered them far faster than Clark could ask them.

As a debater, bro. Nichol has few equals. He is quick to discern a flaw in argument, says much in few words, is fluent in speech, kind to his opponent, has a way peculiar to himself in both answering and in making arguments. He often routed Mr. Clark with one question. To illustrate: Mr. Clark introduced Matt. 18:1-4 on the origin of the church. Clark was then asked, "What kingdom does Christ here refer to?"Here the opposition was stranded. No amount of pleading could induce Clark to take a stand. This type of thing happened often.

The crowds were nice, but filled the house to overflow. Many were uncomfortable. Brethren There: R. E. L. Taylor, C. B. Douthitt, Allen Phy, Charles D. Walker who lived there.