Jon Gary Williams
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C. R. Nichol vs L. S. Ballard (Missionary Baptist)
February 2, 1928
Somerfield, Texas

(By J. Porter Wilhite)

On Tues., Jan. 3 the debate began at Somerfield, near Jacksonville, Tex. Several preaching brethren were there, also quite a number of Baptist preachers.

I had the pleasure to moderate for bro. Nichol. The debate was a complete victory fro truth. Mr. Ballard is a nice man and a good friend of mine, but the Baptist doctrine just cannot stand the acid test of such a man as C.R. Nichol.

On total depravity bro. Nichol quoted from Ballard's book, "Election Made Plain," pp.44,45. This: "God's children partake of his nature, and the devil's children partake of the Devil's nature - because all men are first children of the Devil, aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and stranger to the covenant of promise." And since Ballard had used Luke 25 (the prodigal son) and declared, "Emphatically he was an alien sinner," Nichol showed that he "returned" to the devil, because he was "first a child of the Devil."

The second day on baptism Ballard said, "Campbellite about 22 times. This created more prejudice. Ballard was pressed so tightly that he gave up such men as Thayer. He said, "Thayer is just as wrong as Nichol on Acts 2:38." Nichol asked, "If a believer in Jesus Christ refuses to be baptized, will he go to heaven?" Ballard answered, "If he is a true believer, he will be baptized. If he literally refuses to obey the gospel, he will be lost." In this he admitted that to be baptized was to obey the gospel."

On Mk. 16:16 Ballard said he would accept that just as it reads. Nichol replied: "Then this settled, and Baptists are wrong." Bro. Nichol wanted to take Ballard confession and baptize him. A number of Baptist preachers were present and on the front seats. Nichol asked them if they would accept, "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved" as being true. The all raised their hands as a sign that they would. He then asked them if they believed, "he that believeth and is saved should be baptized," and not a hand went up. They suffered a sore debate on that proposition.

Mr. Ballard asserted that Alexander Campbell was turned out of the Baptist church. Bro. Nichol said there was no church to turn him out, as the "entire association" went with Campbell in separation. Ballard said: "I challenge him, and if he fails, I challenge his brethren to find one authentic history that said the entire association went with him." This quotation is found in Henry C. Vedder's, "Short History of the Baptists," pp. 179-180. "Under the leadership of Alexander Campbell the entire Mohoning Baptist Association of Ohio, adopted the New Views, and a large number of churches in other Ohio Associations followed this example."