Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


C. R. Nichol
Adventist Afraid Of Discussion
March 20, 1930
 (By F. E. Exum)

Miami, Fla., Mar. 13, 1939.

After several weeks of negotiations with Dr. John Mitchell (Seventh-Day Adventist pastor of this city) he has finally refused to meet bro. C. R. Nichol in debate. Dr. Mitchell did sign the affirmative to the following proposition: "Resolved, that the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord." But this proposition does not cover the real issue. He refuse to sign the following proposition submitted by bro. Nichol: "The Sabbath of the decalogue (Ex. 20) is binding on Christians today." He teaches every day that it is binding, but he absolutely refuses to affirm in debate with bro. Nichol that it is, hence it is clear he is afraid of the real issue.

To this note James A. Allen added: This man (Mitchell) is stopped from saying he does not believe in debates, because he has signed a proposition. The truth is, like all children of darkness, he is afraid of the light. Shall bro. Exum take off the pressure and leave the false teacher to do his evil work, unembarrassed and unhampered? Nay, verily. David Lipscomb, years ago, ran the Seventh Day Adventists from street to street over Nashville until many neighborhoods were delivered from their evil work.