Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


C. R. Nichol vs John R. Clark (Baptist)
August 23, 1934
Dukedom, Tennessee

(By J. S. Janes)

Mr. Clark did not seem to regard the truth. To bemean the people of God was his delight. He used the terms "Campbell," "Campbellite," and "Campbellism" 105 times in his first 30 minute speech. He used the terms "skin," "skinning," "skinned" and "hung them out to dry" as many as 70 times in one speech. He would scarcely notice bro. Nichol's arguments. Bro. Nichol acted the gentleman throughout. Good was done. Two have already obeyed the gospel.

A. O. Colley said: "I had never heard bro. Nichol in debate before, but I was much pleased with both his arguments in defense of the truth and his Christian deportment. Mr. Clark is a very unfair debater, He seems to think in low, rough terms, consuming his opponents time, and endeavoring to say the most unkind things he can think of at each session. I do not think such conduct and language could do anybody any good either in times or eternity. I believe the truth was upheld by bro. Nichol and Christianity defended by precept and example.