Jon Gary Williams
Articles / Resources


Gus Nichols vs R. E. Higdon (Holiness)
November 7, 1935
Christian Chapel, Alabama

(By G. C. Curry)

Gus Nichols just closed a 4 day debate at Christian Chapel. This grew our of Mr. Higdon's efforts in the past to introduce instrumental music into the worship of a Kingville church.

Subjects: Estab. of the church, H.G. Baptism, Instrumental music, and foot washing.

Higdon was crushed on every proposition. He was driven back and entangled in his contradictions and absurdities. Bro. Nichols is an able and fearless defender of the truth. His points are made very plain. He has had 15 discussions in this country in the past 10 years, and the truth has never suffered in his hands.