Jon Gary Williams
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Gus Nichols vs C. J. Weaver (Holiness)
August 24, 1944
Hunstville, Alabama

(By H. Leo Boles)

This debate is unique in many respects. Broadcast over WBHP, Huntsville, Ala., stenographically reported by expert stenographer and now published in book form. Few debates are broadcast and then put in book form. This book was not written in haste.

Nearly every denominational preacher represent error and must deny the truth in order to maintain its position. This debate has this quality. It has as strong an exponent of error as could be found in that area. Those who read the debate may be assured that error is presented in as strong a light as it can be. The truth was upheld in a very dignified and Christian like way by bro. Nichols. He not only upheld the truth on the propositions, but he met in detail each of the errors presented by his opponent. Mr. Weaver failed utterly to sustain any of his affirmations. The debate should be read by all who may be disturbed by the errors of the Holiness doctrine. Bro. Nichols' presentation of the truth is so simple, logical and scriptural that the ordinary reader can appreciate the truth.